Electric Vehicle Charging

Voltshare ev charging

We are pleased to announce that we have recently installed two new pay-as-you-go smart untethered electric vehicle charging points at Great Burrow to provide a much needed convenience and service to our guests. Our charging points are powered by VoltShare and are compatible with all modern electric cars.
We are excited to be part of the zero-emission revolution, promoting clean transport. 

The charge points are for the exclusive use of our guests, one for the Cottage and one for the Stables. The connection is untethered, type 2, with maximum power output of 7.2kW. Bring your cable!

How to charge in 4 simple steps

1. Connect your EV & Scan the QR code on the charging point
2. Enter your payment card in the VoltShare app
3. Start charging
4. Unplug your EV to end the session

Our charging rate may vary without notice, depending upon the price we pay for our electricity.  As with all commercially operated charge sites, we are obliged to charge VAT for the service. However, unlike commercial operators, we’re not VAT registered and have no way of offsetting this cost.  We have also added a small uplift, to cover the cost of our Voltshare service and to contribute to the capital investment we have made in installing the EV points.